A Journey Into you
What if you could realize everything about who you are and why you are here?
How much clarity could you have in your life, if you could see the plan?
How much deeper the sense of love for yourself and connection to your life you could have if you were more certain about your true role and your purpose and pathways?
Did you know that there is a record, that we can all access, with all the information that there ever is and was about YOU, and you can connect with this stream of information and download it for your use?
Discover who you are beneath who you think you are.
In these sessions you may explore your own soul records to help you remember.
During these sessions you may:
uncover past lives
reasons on why you are a certain way
clarity around dreams or visions
learn where you came from
meet and commune with ancestors
discover what your gifts or talents and life purpose is here on earth
connect with other timelines or dimensions
remember ancient or tribal wisdom
unlock and release unhelpful patterns playing out in your life
access your deep inner knowing and self guidance mechanisms
connect with your natural shamanic knowing.
Many people who do this session seek to:
Unlock the sacred knowledge that they really are and hold
Remember who they were before society/world controllers shaped them to believe that they were anything other than what they know that it really is
Remember who their ancestors are, as well as lost knowledge about their family members
Connect into their divine purpose
Find clarity around a specific situation
Desire to access their Soul Key Codes
Advance and elevate their consciousness and vibrational frequency
Awaken ancient knowledge, gifts, talents and powers
Reveal who they are and why they are here.
In theosophy and anthroposophy, the akashic field is known as a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.
Exploring your Akashic Record or soul book is like reading from a living database which contains not only current information about the life you are leading, details about the lives you have lived in the past, and what you intend for the future, but every alternative timeline, path not taken and every possible opportunity in between.
The word akasha is a sanskrit word meaning space or ether.
And each of us has access to the etherically held records, once we realize how to match our vibrational frequency to be able to tune into and receive it.